
Board Training, Management and Governance

Board Training, Management and Governance

S. Sutton & Associates Inc. has the technical expertise to assure Boards function as intended and in the best interest of the organizations they represent.


Proper Board management and governance is essential for any nonprofit to assure the demands of steering, supporting and safeguarding organizations are met. Specific technical expertise is required to assure the structure and composition of the Board are suitable, meetings and communications are managed appropriately and members understand and are equipped to fulfill their responsibilities.

Board Training

Boards are in place to govern, though subject to the evolution and needs of the organization may take on various levels of involvement which encroach upon management and operations. S. Sutton and Associates provides training for Boards in governance and leadership, core duties and roles, the Chief Executive’s mandate, techniques to build strong relationships with the Chief Executive, management and evaluation of the Chief Executive’s performance and succession planning.

Board Management

The mechanics to properly manage meetings and committees, prepare reports and communications, update bylaws and facilitate the fiduciary responsibilities of the Board, require technical expertise and diplomacy to assure all run smoothly. S. Sutton and Associates takes a hand on approach to train staff assuring structure, process and products support the success of the Board.


Direct Marketing and Annual Giving

Direct Marketing and Annual Giving

We develop a roadmap for enhanced program performance, increased engagement and seamless continuity with all philanthropic efforts.


A successful annual giving effort is critical to the long-term health of any fundraising operation. S. Sutton & Associates Inc. can partner with you to create a road map for success to build a strong annual giving program. Our holistic approach enables annual giving to increase engagement and growth in major and planned gifts.

Program Review, Upgrade and Pipeline-Building

Program review, staffing and revenue and expense analysis along with data analytics and segmentation are key to developing strategies to acquire new annual donors, steward and retain current donors, and upgrade donors to higher levels of giving. S. Sutton & Associates Inc. has the technical expertise work with your team to maximize your potential. Program review include on-site visits, comprehensive review of materials, annual giving data, and in-depth analysis of specific program area such as: leadership and mid-level programs, reunion/class agent programs, volunteer engagement, direct marketing (mail, phone programs and online giving), social media strategy, young alumni and student philanthropy, parent giving, faculty/staff campaigns, grateful patient programs, recognition/stewardship of annual donors; and integration of annual giving and alumni/constituent relations.


Alumni Relations and Giving

Alumni Relations and Giving

We develop a roadmap for enhanced program performance, increased engagement and seamless continuity with all philanthropic efforts.


Many potential markets for philanthropic support of educational institutions exist, but working out in concentric circles, alumni represent the largest cohort of those with affiliation. Alumni represent the past and the future of an institution and if properly engaged can add immeasurably to the creation of a pipeline of support. Full understanding of the current and future capabilities of Alumni Relations can make the difference between an average advancement program and a strong, sustainable one, and specific strategies are required to harness the potential and unique characteristics. S. Sutton and Associates can provide the best possible thinking, strategies, and approaches for each client’s specific situation.

Program Review, Recommendations and Implementation

S. Sutton and Associates’ consultants conduct an analysis that identifies strengths, gaps, and challenges of the Alumni Relations program and present initial recommendations.

This is a rigorous analysis of structure, alumni events, programming and activities, metrics, resources and historical performance. This may also include alumni surveys, and data analytics to improve understanding of the alumni base and how to segment and engage them most effectively.

Potential areas to explore include affinity programs, alumni board management, alumni engagement, class and reunion programs, communications, marketing and social medial effectiveness, diversity programs, international programs, regional programs, strategic planning, student programming, volunteer management and young alumni programs.

Following report delivery, S. Sutton & Associates Inc. are available to institutional or Alumni Relations’ leadership to assist in implementation of recommendations.


Advancement Services

Advancement Services

Operations and advancement support services are a vital element of the total fundraising program and are critical not only to the success of the fundraising enterprise, but also to the profile and reputation of the institution. Using a business process review model, S. Sutton & Associates Inc. can work with you to identify opportunities for operational improvements in advancement operations and guide you through a strategy to implement and integrate these functions within your organization.


Advancement Services are the functional areas within an organization that support fundraising on every level. The success of frontline fundraisers becomes one element in an overall system of support that develops and sustains relationships with donors. Effective prospect management and tracking, gift processing, counting, receipting and acknowledgement, revenue tracking and reporting and donor stewardship are critical not only to the success of the fundraising enterprise, but also to the overall profile and reputation of the institution.

Functional Area Expertise

The functional areas of advancement operations are highly technical. Our experienced and expert consultants in these functional areas are well equipped to provide guidance and support in the following areas:

  • Donor centric stewardship operations to maintain and enhance relationships.
  • Prospect management and tracking – review of the prospect pool, evaluation of gift capacity, target ask amounts and assignment to gift officers.
  • Gift officer workflow and productivity.
  • Back-office operations such as gift processing, counting, receipting and acknowledgement.
  • Revenue tracking and reporting.
  • Selection, design, and implementation of integrated fundraising software platforms and systems for fundraising.
  • Management of database records to improve operational efficiencies and reduce overhead costs.
  • Standard reports inventory to introduce cost-effective solutions and eliminate ad-hoc requests.

Complimentary Consultation