Jeanne Bray
Junior Associate
Jeanne began her career in consumer marketing, and as many in the for-profit arena was compelled to act on her interest in social change. Building on her academic career in Marketing Management-Communications at the British Columbia Institute of Technology Jeanne segued and pursued a Bachelor of Science in Integrated Leadership (Nonprofit Studies) followed by a Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship and Change from Pepperdine University. Over the last 10+ years, Jeanne has leveraged her for-profit experience and academic prowess to support a broad range of grassroots nonprofit organizations serving in staff capacities and as Board leadership.
Fundraising Area of Expertise: Jeanne’s core expertise is in Donor and Constituent Engagement. She also has wide experience in Annual Giving and Direct Marketing; Fundraising Campaigns and Strategic Planning.
Sector Experience: Education, Arts & Culture, Community Based Membership and Advocacy.
Jeanne’s Fundraising Must-Have: A powerful case for support tied to a clear and concise organizational mission statement.
Contact Jeanne at: [email protected]