Rob Donelson

Executive Associate

With more than 40 years of advancement experience in the higher education and healthcare sectors in three countries, Rob specializes in: Development Program Review and Expansion Strategies. Some of his previous experience has included: VP, Development & Alumni Relations, Wilfrid Laurier University; Executive Director, Development & Alumni Relations, University College Cork, Ireland; and Executive Director of Advancement, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 

Rob graduated from the University of Waterloo (St. Jerome’s College) with a BA in English and History. Acknowledged for his leadership in the area of charitable accountability, Rob led the first registered charity in Canada to earn the Ethical Fundraising License and the first university to earn the Standards Accreditation Trustmark from Imagine Canada. He has served on the board of the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education. Rob was named the Outstanding Fundraising Professional by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Golden Horseshoe Chapter, and received the Mission Legacy Award of the St. Joseph’s Health System.

Area of Expertise: Rob’s predominant expertise is in Development Program Review and Expansion Strategies. He also excels at Interim Program Management; Alumni Relations and Giving; Major and Principal Gifts; Donor and Constituent Engagement, particularly case for support drafting.

Experience: Education, Healthcare

Fundraising Must Have: A compelling case for support must describe impact, not needs.


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