International Development Sectors

International Development

International Development

The poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty. Nearly half the worldā€™s populations, more than 3 billion people, live on less than $2.50 per day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 per day. This includes 1 billion children worldwide, and each day 22,000 die due to poverty.

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations seek to implement long term solutions by helping to create capacity to provide sustainable solutions. The unifying thread of the 17 goals and 169 targets is the commitment to eradicating poverty.

Hunger, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation, insufficient shelter and a lack of good health and well-being are but a few of the consequences of poverty which will be addressed. The goals address quality education, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water and on land, strong peace and justice institutions and partnerships.

Civil society, government, private sector and academic multi-stakeholder partnerships, backed by financial investment and philanthropic support will ensure the ambitious goals are met. S. Sutton & Associates Inc. understands the need to think globally and act locally. We have the knowledge, expertise and passion to support the international development sector in raising funds to support these ambitious goals.

Healthcare Sectors



Philanthropy in the healthcare sector is unique in many ways, particularly complex, and more important than ever. Researchers strive to discover cures and develop new treatments, technologies and models of care, which, when translated from ā€œbench to bedsideā€, provide a better future for all. Their work provides a compelling case for support. Downstream from the research enterprise, lives are saved and enriched every day through the healthcare sector, and the emotional experiences leave many with life-altering memories and a strong incentive to donate.

Costs to discover, develop, translate and deliver new cures, treatments, technologies, and models of care to the patient continue to soar. Escalating overhead, declining reimbursements, healthcare reform, privacy regulations, population demographic shifts, and shifting perceptions of patient care and research commercialization have direct impact on philanthropic needs and giving patterns.

S. Sutton and Associates brings insight, sensitivity and highly skilled technical expertise to philanthropic enterprises within this sector and to their domestic and international prospects and donors.

Community Based Membership and Advocacy Sectors

Community Based Membership & Advocacy

Community Based Membership & Advocacy

The community based membership and advocacy nonprofit sector is vast. It includes organizations focused on the environment, social services, sports, advocacy, civic and public affairs, as well as a wide range of charities, associations, membership organizations and faith-based institutions. All of these organizations depend heavily on private giving and the same principals of best practices apply. S. Sutton & Associates Inc. brings the same level of experience and expertise to this sector and to donors in their pursuit of community support and impact.

Education Sectors



Educational institutions at all levels have experienced a decline in public funding, making them increasingly reliant on private philanthropic support. Private and public institutions alike compete fiercely for philanthropic dollars to meet operating costs and address student needs. The key to a sustainable future lies in finding a way to successfully adapt to a changing and increasingly challenging fiscal environment. S. Sutton & Associates Inc. brings experience and expertise to this sector and to donors to design high performance programs and help build sustainable growth.

Arts & Culture Sectors

Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture

Art, design and culture form a tapestry of opportunity for philanthropic support in a range of domains, from the visual and applied arts, to the performing arts, such as theater, opera, dance, music, festivals and celebrations. Cultural settings such as archives and libraries, cultural heritage museums, historical sites and buildings, and natural heritage sites such as parks and reserves, zoos, aquaria and botanical gardens, require the same careful engagement and development of constituents, members and donors.

S. Sutton and Associates is an adept and appreciative consultant to art, design and cultural organizations and their donors, understanding the contribution of this sector to the milieu of society.


Risk Management and Fundraising Governance

Risk Management and Fundraising Governance


As donors increasingly demand tangible assurance their money is well spent and regulators question the costs of fundraising, nonprofit executives and their boards need to know how to build trust in their organization. We bring knowledge about ā€œbest practicesā€ in fundraising and are fully conversant with standards that exist to assess them. We can work with you to understand risks associated with various fundraising approaches. We can train your staff on effective processes and we can develop tools for your Board to gain and maintain confidence that your organizationā€™s reputation is in good hands.

Providing Direction

Risk management is essential for any organization and S. Sutton & Associates Inc. understands reputational risk around fundraising operations and results presents particular vulnerability. With that in mind our senior consultants with years in the arena also understand that with competing demands Boards need simple methods to assess risk, carefully considered solutions and if necessary, strategic remediation to restore trust.

In keeping with the methodology of the firm, our experts are able to provide a complete audit and assessment of your current state, articulating potential vulnerabilities and actionable strategies to avoid issues. Guidance and training for executive leadership staff is available to establish a framework going forward.

If the Board is placed in a position to consider remediation, our experts provide actionable steps for the organization to deploy and guidance for short term crisis communications and long term confidence building measures.

Complimentary Consultation