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Katherine Scott


Katherine is a seasoned prospect research and development professional with more than 15 years of experience working in international development and information science including work with Médecins Sans Frontieres – Doctors Without Borders (MSF Canada), Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, Canadian Red Cross, and Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University – TMU). She is the immediate past President of Apra Canada, an association dedicated to the advancement of the prospect research and development profession. 

Katherine is tri-lingual, speaking French and Spanish in addition to English, and holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts – Political Science, a Master of Arts – Political Science and International Development, and a Master of Information Science – Knowledge Management and Information Management from the University of Toronto. 

Fundraising Areas of Expertise: Prospect Research and Development, Major and Principal Gifts 

Sector Experience: Education, Healthcare, Arts & Culture, International Development, Community Based Membership and Advocacy 

Fundraising Must Have: A library card

Canada Associates Our Associates

Allan Weatherall

Senior Associate

With over 35 years experience, Allan has comprehensive knowledge of fundraising, corporate communications and public relations. He has been involved in major capital campaigns as well as day-to-day fundraising requirements for numerous nonprofit organizations and has played a key management role while helping to raise millions of dollars. Allan has built high performing front-line fundraisers and facilitated the creation of an atmosphere where stakeholders are committed to a common goal.
His professional experience includes work with hospital foundations in Ottawa, Huntsville and St. Thomas. In addition, Allan has held roles with The Arthritis Society, Salvation Army, Canadian Space Agency, Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance, Huntington’s Society, various Chambers of Commerce, and the Canadian Museum of History.
Allan studied Applied Arts and Radio/TV production at the Algonquin College and obtained his Bachelor of Arts at Carleton University. He is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) and holds professional accreditations as a Fellow of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (FAHP), an Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), and a Volunteer Management Certificate. He has been a member of the Association of Health Care Philanthropy, Health Care Public Relations Association and the Canadian Public Relations Society.

Fundraising Area of Expertise: Allan’s expertise is on Donor & Constituent Engagement. In addition, he has vast experience in Capital Campaigns and Strategic Planning; Major and Principal Gifts; Planned and Legacy Gifts; Project Management; Annual Giving and Direct Marketing, Stewardship, Public/Media Relations and Video Production.

Sector Experience: Healthcare, Hospital Foundations, Social Services, Government Agencies and Arts & Culture

Allan’s fundraising must have: An ability to see that people are enriched through the utilization of donated funds to, in turn, create a charitable resource that enriches lives.

Contact Allan at: [email protected]

Canada Associates Our Associates

Glen Walsh


Glen Walsh has over 15 years professional experience in the area of community development, settlement, employment and career services and programs. He is an exceptional leader with specialist knowledge who is skilled in the successful management, administration, design, and implementation of major innovative settlement and employment programs.
Glen earned his post-graduate diploma of Business Administration and Marketing from Fanshawe College in London. He has also completed a number of public administration courses from Ryerson University in Toronto.

Fundraising Area of Expertise: Glen’s core expertise is in Development Program Review. He brings a wealth of experience in Management and Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Data Analytics; Donor and Constituent Engagement; Strategic Planning; Interim Program Management; Project Management; Risk Management: Leadership and Strategic Direction, Logic Modeling, Program and Service Implementation: Program and Service Evaluation, Partnership Development and International Development.

Sector Experience: Education, Arts & Culture, Settlement, Employment and Career Services, Community Based Membership and Advocacy

Glen’s fundraising must have: Innovation and have a clear direction.

Contact Glen at: [email protected]

Canada Associates Our Associates

Christopher Walker


With more than 12 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Christopher Walker specializes in the intersection of annual fund, major gifts and planned giving, and capital campaigns. His previous experience includes roles as Fundraising Consultant, Regional Director of Development with the South and Central Health Foundation in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Development Manager with LOFT Community Services in Toronto. Christopher graduated from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Political Studies. He has also completed the Canadian Association of Gift Planners Original Planned Giving course in 2019.

Fundraising Area of Expertise: Fundraising Campaigns and Strategic Planning are Christopher’s expertise. His experience also extends to Major Gifts, Planned and Legacy Gifts, Donor Relationship Building and Stewardship, Donor Prospect Identification, Capital Campaigns and Board Training, Management and Governance.

Sector Experience: Christopher has experience working in the healthcare and the social service sectors

Christopher’s fundraising must have: An inspiring mission and a willingness to be creative and think outside the box when reach for the goal.

Contact Christopher at: [email protected]

Canada Associates Our Associates

Cyril Urbano

Senior Associate

Cyril Urbano is a seasoned strategic business leader with more than 20 years of marketing/communication/branding experience in the US, Canada and the Philippines. A creative storyteller who is passionate about strategy and innovation, Cyril has exceptional qualifications in strategic brand-building through consumer and customer-centric market planning, business and profit-building through profit and loss management, innovation/renovation, and action-oriented team leadership with a people-first mindset.

Cyril received a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Organizational Communications from De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, and a Master of Arts in Global Marketing, Communication and Advertising from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Fundraising Area of Expertise: Cyril’s predominant area of expertise is in Donor and Constituent Engagement through brand strategy/building, omnichannel marketing and communications, including strategic market research/planning and business-building through product innovation and renovation.

Cyril also excels in Project Management and Fundraising Campaigns and Strategic Planning and offers valuable insights in Alumni Relations and Giving; Annual Giving and Direct Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility; Data Analytics; Development Program Review and Expansion Strategies; and Risk Management and Fundraising Governance.

Sector Experience: Healthcare, Arts & Culture, Community Based Membership and Advocacy

Cyril’s fundraising must have: An innovative and strategic approach that can make a positive, significant difference in people’s lives and enables lasting change.

Canada Associates Our Associates

Domenique Sherab

Junior Associate

Domenique Sherab has 6 years of experience working between research and practice in international development and humanitarian action. Her focus has predominately been on refugee issues in the Middle East, and resettlement and integration of refugees in Canada. She currently works on a number of research projects at McGill University as well as supporting an NGO’s fundraising efforts. Domenique is analytical, diplomatic and self-motivated with advanced communication and interpersonal skills and proven experience working on strategic planning, policy development, and political context analysis. She is adept at building trust and positive relationships with colleagues and clients from diverse backgrounds and has proven her ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. She has work experience in Australia, Canada, Jordan and Lebanon. Domenique earned her master’s degree from the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University and her Bachelor’s of International and Global Studies from Sydney University.

Fundraising Area of Expertise: Domenique’s core expertise is in fundraising campaigns and strategic planning. She also has extensive experience in project evaluation, prospect research and proposal writing; qualitative research and project coordination.

Sector Experience: humanitarian interventions, international development

Domenique’s fundraising must have: passion, clarity, feasibility

Contact Domenique at: [email protected]

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